أضيف حديثاً
The politics of health knowledge network
برامج تدريبية مشابهة
People's Open Access Education Initiative (www.peoples-uni.org)
UNDP Oxford Courses: Human Development: theory to practice
The Supercourse: Health Systems Resources
- Eldis Globalisation Resource Guide.
- Global Development Network.
- Globalisation Challenge Initiative (2002). Growing dangers of service Apartheid: how the World Bank Group's Private Sector Development (PSD) Strategy threatens infrastructure and basic service provision. Takoma Park, Maryland, Globalisation Challenge Initiative.
- Grieshaber-Otto, J. and N. Schacter (2001). The GATS: Impacts of the international "services" treaty on health-based alcohol regulation, Stakes: 1/3/2002.
- High-level Advisory Group of Eminent Personalities and Intellectuals (2001). Report on Globalization and its Impact on Developing Countries, High Level Advisory Group of Eminent Personalities and Intellectuals of G-77: 7 Jan 2002.
- Hilary, J. (2001). The wrong model: GATS, trade liberalisation and children's right to health, Save the Children: 11/3/2002.
- IATP, Action Aid, et al. (2002). An Introduction to the Development Box, 23 March 2002.
- MSF Access to Essential Medicines Campaign (2001). Fatal Imbalance: The Crisis in Research and Development for Drugs for Neglected Diseases, Medecins Sans Frontiers.
- Ocampo, J. A. (2001). Rethinking the development agenda, UNDP and UN ECLAC: 7 January 2002.
- Oxfam (2002). US bullying on drug patents: one year after Doha, Oxfam.
- Oxfam. Policy Analysis.
- Pogge, T. W. and S. G. Reddy (2003). Unknown: The Extent, Distribution, and Trend of Global Income Poverty.
- The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
- UK Partnership for Global Health.
- UN Commission on Human Rights (2000). Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
- University of Minnesota Human Rights Library.
- World Bank. Health Nutrition and Population. homepage
- World Development Movement: Campaigns.
- World Health Organization. World health reports 1995-2005. Geneva, World Health Organisation.
- WHO (1999). Removing obstacles to healthy development: report on infectious disease. Geneva, WHO.
- WTO Norwegian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Global Health Council.
- The Declaration of Alma-Ata (1978)
- The People's Charter for Health (2000)
- WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health
- WHO Commission on Intellectual Property and Public Health
- The Mumbai Declaration (2004)
- The People's Charter on HIV and AIDS (2004)
- The Cuenca Declaration (2005)
- Global Health Watch (2005)
- The PHM Right to Health Campaign
- The Social Medicine Portal (lots of useful onlinks)
- Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health CPATH
- CPTech (amazing!)
- Transnational Institute Via Campesina
- Third World Network
- Physicians for a National Health Plan
- Sicko (Trailer)
- Right to Water
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