Physician, Family and Community Medicine and Public Health Specialist, PhD in Epidemiology. People’s Health Movement, Médecins du Monde – France. For the past 3 years, Camila has been working on a cooperation project between Brazil and Angola for support in development of primary health care within the national health system in Angola. She has been working more specifically with community health workers (programme implementation and evaluation) in both countries as appropriate strategies to build and strengthen primary health care models. Camila has worked with MDM-France in rural Angola for 1 year (2006) and now works as supervisor for a project in Uruguay concerning access to quality sexual and reproductive health care and access to safe abortion. Since 2007, Camila has been working with PHM, working on gradually building PHM Brazil. In 2008, she has worked on IPHU Porto Alegre, Brazil. she is currently engaged in the “Community Action for Health Pilot Project” and in the “Global Health Governance Initiative”.