Using resarch, reading research, accessing research
Doing research: principles, methods
Research by Fran Baum (2005,English) (ppt)
Pre-reading: Open
Equity in health implies addressing differences in health status that are unnecessary, unavoidable and unfair. Equity-motivated interventions seek to allocate resources preferentially to those with the lowest health status. This means understanding and influencing the redistribution of social and economic resources for equity-oriented interventions, and understanding and informing the power and ability people have to make choices over health inputs and to use these choices for better health. [adapted from author]
This manual is intended to help writers develop writing skills and the ability to produce easily understood health information which can be disseminated to a diverse audience. This edition of the manual is a guide for producing scientific reports, peer-reviewed articles, EQUINET policy and discussion papers, briefs and reports.
Pre-reading: Protected
The following references are protected files on the IPHU internet storage site. The address and key will be provided to enrolled participants.
» Mickey Chopra (2005) Inequalities in health in developing countries: Challenges for public health research Critical Public Health, 15(1):19-26 ;
» Ron Labonte (2005) Editorial: Towards a critical population health research Critical Public Health 15(1): 1-3;
» Budd L Hall (1981) Participatory research, popular knowledge and power: a personal reflection Convergence 14(3):6-17;
»Fran Baum, Colin McDougall and Danielle Smith (2005), Participatory action research glossary, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, forthcoming ;
»Ronald Labonte, Michale Polanyi, Nazeem Muharajarine,
Tom McIntosh & Allison Williams (2005) Beyond the divides: Towards critical population health research Critical Public Health 15(1):5-17 ;
»David McCoy; David Sanders; Fran Baum; Thelma Narayan; David Legge (2004) Pushing the international health research agenda towards equity and effectiveness The Lancet; 2004; 364, 1630-31 ;
»WHO Task Force on Health System Research Priorities for Equity in Health (2004) Priorities for research to take forward the health equity policy agenda ;
»Nina Wallerstein (1999) Power between evaluator and community: research relationships between New Mexico's healthier communities. Social Science and Medicine 49: 39-53.
This topic developed by Fran Baum
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