Amit Sen Gupta has trained in medicine and works on issues related to public health, pharmaceuticals policy, and other S&T policy issues like Intellectual Property Rights. Has been associated with the Delhi Science Forum – a public interest organisation working on S&T Policy issues -- for the past 20 years. Has lectured and written extensively on these issues, including in journals, newspaper and magazines. Has edited a book on the Drug Industry in India titled “Drug Industry and the Indian Peopleâ€. Was involved in a landmark Public Interest Litigation on the issue of banning of hazardous and irrational drugs in the Supreme Court of India. Has also been involved in implementation of a number of programmes on rural industrialisation through the Centre for Technology and Development – projects that are supported by the Deptt. of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Rural Development in India. Amit is associated with many other networks and organisations. Participated in Jaipur IPHU course, March 2008.