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Application Form: IPHU-Los Angeles, California, USA, The Struggle for Health, July 20 – 28, 2013

  • Application is open!
  • Please go through the questions and requirements of the application before you start filling in the form.
  • See announcement.
  • The application should be completed in one session. Accordingly, we advise that you review all the items and make sure that you have all the data required before you start. We also advise that you complete the answer of the question No.10 the right to health in your work context separately before you start filling in the application form, then copy your answer and paste it in the designated box while completing your application
  • You may download the application as a word file here only for reviewing the application and preparing your asnswers, however the submission should be made only online.
  • Fields marked with * are mandatory.
1- Personal information
Place of origin
Place of residence
2- Contact information
Indicate the email address on which you wish to receive all correspondences concerning the course.
Phone numbers
- Please provide at least one reliable telephone number. - Example: + (Country code) (City code) (Phone number)
3- Professional information
4- Passport information
Please complete if you need a visa and wish to receive a formal Invitation Letter in case of acceptance.International applicants need to have a valid passport for at least six months from the date of travel. Please ensure to provide the correct information. For international applicants, please note that it may be difficult to obtain a visa to the US in time for the IPHU
In addition, please indicate if you are involved in People's Health Movement (PHM) in your country; and if so in what ways.
10- The right to health in the context of your current work
Equity, ecologically-sustainable development and peace are at the heart of our vision of a better world – a world in which a health life for all is a reality; a world that respects, appreciates and celebrates all life and diversity; a world that enables the flowering of people’s talents and abilities to enrich each other; a world in which people’s voices guide the decisions that shape our lives. There are more than enough resources to achieve this vision. –People’s Charter for Health According to the People’s Charter for Health, the founding document of PHM, health is a social, economic and political issue and above all a fundamental human right. Inequality, poverty, exploitation, violence and injustice are at the root of ill-health and the deaths of poor and marginalized people. Health for all means that powerful interests have to be challenged, that globalization has to be opposed, and that political and economic priorities have to be drastically changed.” The principles stated in the Charter are at the core of PHM’s approach to achieving health for all. PHM brings many sectors together to promote health along with equity and sustainable development. During this IPHU we will study a range of topics that reflect this approach including social determinants of health, political economy of health, comprehensive primary health care, and health and human rights. Through this course you will gain a richer understanding of PHM’s approach to health and how you can integrate it more effectively into your own work. Please answer the following questions keeping in mind the approach and ideas of PHM briefly described above: 1) How do these ideas fit into the work you currently do? 2) What are ways you might incorporate these ideas in your current work? 3) How will incorporating these ideas into your work help you be more effective in improving people’s health?
Your answer should not exceed 500 words.
13- Language skills
Please note that the course will be taught in English with Spanish translation if necessary. Please rate your language skill in English and/or Spanish as Native, Excellent, Good or Poor.
14- Application for scholarship assistance
The PHM is committed to working with low-income participants to enable them to attend the Los Angeles IPHU. We have limited scholarship funds available to assist qualified participants with the cost lodging and food. Please note that the registration fee is mandatory and should be paid by the participant upon acceptance.

The Preamble from the Charter reads:

    The People's Charter for Health is the founding document of the People’s Health Movement (PHM).  We ask that all applicants to the International People's Health University read the People's Charter for Health.

    The Preamble from the Charter reads:

    Health is a social, economic and political issue, and above all a fundamental human right.  Inequity, poverty, exploitation, violence and injustice are at the root of ill health and the deaths of poor and marginalized people.  Health for all means that powerful interests have to be challenged, that corporate-led globalization has to be opposed, and that political and economic priorities have to be drastically changed.

You can find the charter at: