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Faculty and Associates

IPHU Faculty and Associates The following folk have either taught at one or more IPHU courses or helped to organise courses.

(Please advise coordinator if you have been inadvertently left off this list or inappropriately listed or improperly described. Please provide link to a more definitive homepage (if you have one) and contact details (if you are happy to have your contact details listed).)

Leticia Artiles, Cuba. Senior Professor at Higher Institute of Medical Sciences in Cuba. Joint General Coordinator of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine (ALAMES) and member of the Board of the International Association of Health Policy (IAHP). Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca July 2005.

Carmen Mercedes Báez. Médica de clínica general especializada en salud pública, activista de salud. Formada en la República Popular de Mozambique donde trabaja durante la guerra y sequía como pediatra. Más tarde trabaja en la Sudáfrica post-Apartheid, donde participa en el diseño de las políticas de Atención Primaria de Salud y en el desarrollo de sistemas de salud, a través de su trabajo en una prestigiosa ONG local denominada Health Systems Trust (HST). Obtiene una Maestría en Salud Pública en la Universidad de Western Cape en Sudáfrica. Desde estudiante, y como parte integral de su Curricula, enseña y capacita a trabajadores de salud. En Sudáfrica en 1995 se desempeña como profesora suplente en la cátedra de Salud Comunitaria Infantil, de la Universidad de Witswatersrand. Su tarea en HST como facilitadora del proceso de descentralización de distritos de salud en Sudáfrica, es basada en gran parte, en la capacitación y docencia a todos los niveles de trabajadores de salud, incluyendo a miembros de la comunidad y políticos. En el año 2006 enseña en la Universidad de Pretoria de forma esporádica. Realiza en el 2005 un estudio de la equidad en salud en todos los países del Este y Sur Africanos investigando la influencia de la participación comunitaria y gobernabilidad en las políticas de salud. Es integrante del Movimiento de Salud de los Pueblos desde Bangladesh. Participa como voluntaria en las dos Asambleas de Salud de los Pueblos. En 2004 recibe la Medalla de la Amistad del Consejo de Estado Cubano por sus actividades de solidaridad con este país. En el año 2006 regresa a su país natal Argentina después de 30 años de exilio. Trabaja como coordinadora de la Comisión de Salud en el Instituto de Asociativismo y Economía Social (INAES). En 2007 es coordinadora y co-autora del libro: “Las cooperativas y mutuales en la Republica Argentina”. En la Argentina, participa activamente en el Foro Ramón Carrillo de la Legislatura Porteña, en la Comisión de Medicina Internacional del Consejo Consultivo de la Cancillería- Iniciativa Somos MERCOSUR como representante del Movimiento de Salud de los Pueblos.

Francoise Barten, Nijmegen University, Holland; also honorary staff member of the UNAN university in Leon, Nicaragua, the School of Public Health (CIES) of Nicaragua and the UMSS in Cochabamba, Bolivia). Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca.

Fran Baum, Australia, Researcher and teacher at FlindersUniversity, Adelaide, Australia. Her main interests are in understanding what makes progressive primary health care and health promotion work, including processes of participation and in understanding the global, national and local causes of health inequities and how they can be reduced. She is an active member of the International People’s Health Council and the People’s Health Movement and a member of the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health. Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca in 2005 and the Vancouver Workshop in June 2007.

Alexis Benos, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. Public health. PHM. Cuenca 2005. Thessaloniki 2009.

Fernando Borgia. Sociólogo y Magister en Sociología (UDELAR), candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Coordinador del Cono Sur (Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina y Uruguay) de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social (ALAMES) (2004-2009), Ex Secretario Ejecutivo de ALAMES (2001-2006). Integrante del Grupo Organizador de los Foros Sociales de Salud (Uruguay) (2005-2008). Integrante del Capítulo Uruguayo de la Plataforma Interamericana Derechos Humanos Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD-Uruguay) (2004-2008). Asesor de la División Salud de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo (IMM) (1996-2007). Profesional del Instituto de Estudios Municipales (IEM-IMM) (2008). Miembro del Equipo Editorial de la Revista Bilingüe On-line Medicina Social.

liliana Mabel Borsani. Argentina.Médica y docente.Universidad Nacional de la Plata.Miembro activo del MSP.Coordinadora a nivel local del movimiento por la salud de los pueblos latinoamerica.Directora general de salud del partido de Florencio Varela-Buenos Aires.Especialista en medicina de familia y en salud social y comunitaria.Investigadora.Especialista en gestión de sistemas de salud y seguridad social.Disertante en foros de la catedra abierta del pensamiento humanistico del Che y Espejo(2003).UNiv de Cuenca.Disertante en la II asamblea por la salud de los pueblos en el encuentro de adolescentes(2005)

Qasem Chowdhury

Zafrullah Chowdry, Bangladesh, founder and director of Gonoshasthaya Kendra People's Health Centre. Director of IPHU Course scheduled to be held in Savar, Bangladesh in November 2007.

Jeff Connant, Jeff Conant, USA, is a writer and educator involved with PHM particularly around the Right to Water, serving as a liason between PHM and other networks, such as Friends of the Right to Water and the Red Vida. Lead author and coordinator of Hesperian Foundation's forthcoming (2008) book, A Community Guide to Environmental Health, his interests span all areas of environmental health and human rights. As a journalist, he regularly publishes articles in independent media outlets. He contributed to the IPHU at the US Social Forum, Atlanta, 2007.

Marta Conte, Possui graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1983), mestrado em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1994) e doutorado em Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2001). Atualmente é estatutária, técnica em saúde e ecologia humana e Coordenadora de Ensino da Escola de Saúde Pública da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul. Tem experiência na área da Clínica Psicanalítica e Saúde Coletiva atuando na perspectiva da transdisciplinariedade e da clínica ampliada nos seguintes temas: drogas, violências, laço social e contemporaneidade, saúde mental e políticas públicas.

Delen de la Paz, Philippines. Convenor of Global Health Program, University of the Philippines School of Family and Community Medicine. Leading member of IPHC and PHM. Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca in July 2005 and to the IPHU Leadership Workshop in Bhopal in April 2007.

Ravi Duggal, India, independent researcher and health activist. He has academic degrees in sociology and management and 28 years of experience in research, training and advocacy on health issues including health systems and policies, health economics and financing, reproductive health, health databases and information management, budget analysis and advocacy, governance and other development issues. He has worked in the past with institutions such as Foundation for Research in Community Health, Ministry of Health - Govt of India, SWISSAID, Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes, and been a visiting Faculty at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Sciences and Studies and University of Mumbai. Presently he supports Action Aid International on a consulting basis in developing capacity of its Partner Organisations across nine South and South East Asian countries. He is also been active in the Peoples Health Movement in India and in other global initiatives like GEGA and IFHHRO. Participating in Jaipur IPHU March 2008.

Eduardo Espinoza, El Salvador, medical doctor, Master in Public Health, Professor at the University of El Salvador in Health Systems and Health Policy; researcher in health sector reform; during the civil war in El Salvador (1975 to 1992) he was in charge of medical services in conflictive areas, and in capacitation of health activists of the insurgent forces and from the civil people in this areas without medical services from the government. He was imprisoned and tortured on two ocassions in 1978 (two months) and 1985 (eight months). Following the peace accords in 1992 he returned to the University of El Salvador to research and teach public health. Between 1995 and 1999 he was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of El Salvador (UES). Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca in July 2005.

Gabriel García Salyano is a medical doctor and community organizer who has worked since 1983 to train community health promoters, provide health education and mobilize community leaders in rural Chiapas, Mexico. He has been a member of EAPSEC since 1992. Co-course director Chimaltenango, 2010.

Patricia Genro Robinson, possui graduação em Psicologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (1992), especialização em Saúde Comunitária pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil (1995) e mestrado em Psicologia Social e da Personalidade pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (1998). Atualmente é Psicóloga da Escola de Saúde Pública do Rio Grande do Sul e Professora universitária da Faculdade Monteiro Lobato. Tem experiência na área de Saúde Coletiva , com ênfase em Saúde Mental Coletiva.

Camila Giugliani, Brazil. Physician, Family and Community Medicine and Public Health Specialist, PhD in Epidemiology. People’s Health Movement, Médecins du Monde – France. For the past 3 years, Camila has been working on a cooperation project between Brazil and Angola for support in development of primary health care within the national health system in Angola. She has been working more specifically with community health workers (programme implementation and evaluation) in both countries as appropriate strategies to build and strengthen primary health care models. Camila has worked with MDM-France in rural Angola for 1 year (2006) and now works as supervisor for a project in Uruguay concerning access to quality sexual and reproductive health care and access to safe abortion. Since 2007, Camila has been working with PHM, working on gradually building PHM Brazil. In 2008, she has worked on IPHU Porto Alegre, Brazil. she is currently engaged in the “Community Action for Health Pilot Project” and in the “Global Health Governance Initiative”.

Amit Sen Gupta . Amit Sen Gupta has trained in medicine and works on issues related to public health, pharmaceuticals policy, and other S&T policy issues like Intellectual Property Rights. Has been associated with the Delhi Science Forum – a public interest organisation working on S&T Policy issues -- for the past 20 years. Has lectured and written extensively on these issues, including in journals, newspaper and magazines. Has edited a book on the Drug Industry in India titled “Drug Industry and the Indian People”. Was involved in a landmark Public Interest Litigation on the issue of banning of hazardous and irrational drugs in the Supreme Court of India. Has also been involved in implementation of a number of programmes on rural industrialisation through the Centre for Technology and Development – projects that are supported by the Deptt. of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Rural Development in India. Amit is associated with many other networks and organisations. Participated in Jaipur IPHU course, March 2008.

Narendra Gupta. A physician by training Narendra has worked extensively at the grassroots level with tribal and other marginalized communities in western India. He has been active in planning and implementing community based health care models, training health care providers and community representatives in socio-epidemiologically informed health care delivery systems. He has directed a very large volunteer-based programme in the state of Rajasthan to promote birth spacing and also advised Ministry of Rural Development of India Government to incorporate disability and health concerns in rural development programmes. He has advised and trained government health managers, administrators and judiciary on gender & health, inequities in health and related issues. Currently working with Prayas at Chittorgarh and Centre for Health Equity at Jaipur.

Maria Hamlin-Zuniga, Nicaragua, Long time community health activist in Central America including developing and supporting community based health programs. Also founding convenor of the International People's Health Council. Participated in IPHU at Cuenca 2005 and Bhopal and Vancouver in 2007; co-course director for Chimaltenango, 2010.

Erno Harzheim is a family physician graduated at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1998), PhD studies in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Alicante University (2004) and Epidemiology (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - 2006). Is currently Associate Professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Epidemiology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where he coordinates the Primary Health Care Research Group. Special interest in the following fields: Family and Community Medicine, Primary Health Care, Epidemiology, Evaluation of Health Services, and Telemedicine and Telehealth.

Parvez Imam. Film maker. Jaipur, March 2008.

Tej Ram Jat, India. He has formal training in health policy, planning and financing with special emphasis on health systems research, community participation and health economics. He has been involved in planning and implementation of large-scale projects involving people’s participation in India for last 10 years on a breadth of issues including community health, gender, comprehensive primary healthcare, equity in health, health financing and community monitoring of health services. He has been associated with Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (Peoples Health Movement), Medico Friends Circle, People’s Union for Civil Liberties and World Social Forum. His areas of interest are equity in health, social determinants of health, intersectoral convergence, health financing, budget analysis, community based planning & monitoring of health services and evidence based policy advocacy. He has been a participant and local liaison person for IPHU workshop, Bhopal, March 2007, participant in IPHU, Savar, November 2007 and contributing in IPHU, Jaipur, March 2008.

Prem John and Hari John, India. Trained together at ChristianMedicalCollege, Vellore and for 16 years practised unorthodox solutions to the problems of the poor in Deenabandu (not merely health) and trained a large number of grassroots, mid-level and higher health workers. Gave up the practice of western medicine fifteen years back and now only practise alternatives - herbal remedies, alternative practices such as massages, acupressure, cutaneous acupuncture, energy therapy, homoeopathy and such. Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca in July 2005. Prem John actively involved in preparations for Savar November 2007.

Luis Justo, paediatrician, epidemiologist, ethicist, philosopher. Argentina. Cuenca 2005.

Maija Kagis, public health consultant. Long experience and continuing interest in international health. Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca in 2005 and to the Vancouver Workshop in June 2007.

Ronald Labonte is Canada Research Chair in Globalization and Health Equity at the Institute of Population Health and Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa. Prior to his appointment in 2004 at the University of Ottawa, he was founding Director of the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU), a bi-university interdisciplinary research organization committed to “engaged research” on population health determinants at local, national and global levels. Before working on globalization and health, Ron worked, consulted and published extensively on health promotion, empowerment and health and community development. Contributed to IPHU Workshop in Vancouver, June, 2007. (070823).

David Legge, Australia, teaches health policy and public health at La Trobe University in Australia. He has a strong interest in the political economy of health and the comparative study of health systems with a particular interest in health care in China. He is a member of the IPHC and the PHM and is active in the People's Health Movement in Australia. He is current academic coordinator of IPHU. Participated in Cuenca, Bhopal, Vancouver, Atlanta. (070823).

 Maureen McCue,. USA. Convenor Global Health Stream, University of Iowa. Contributed to Atlanta 2007.

Theo MacDonald. Active in health promotion and international equity in health. Theoretically "retired" (former prof and director of PG Studies in Health at Brunel Uni, London), but active in publishing and research. Member of the Institute of Human Rights and Social Justice at London Metropolitan University. Author of Third World Health: Hostage to First World Wealth (foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu). Cuenca 2005.

Stela Nazareth Meneghel, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Public health researcher and Senior Professor at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil (UNISINOS). Professor of Rio Grande do Sul State University and Advisor of Public Health School/Porto Alegre. Research themes: women and family violence and vulnerabilities.

Julio Monsalvo, Argentina. Meaning, spirit and health. Cuenca 2005.

Thelma Narayan, Community Health Cell, India. Public Health Consultant of Society for Community Health, Awareness, Research and Action,Bangalore, Karnataka, India- A policy research and training centre that works with people movements, civil societies, state and national governments, and international health agencies in promoting the social/community/rights paradigm of health and health care. Active member and joint convenor of PHM India till recently( Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) and Global People Health Movement. Epidemiologist and public health policy analyst who works with various national health initiatives including National Rural Health Mission, National Health System Resource Centre, and has evolved public health and primary health care oriented state health policies in Karnataka and Orissa state. Has been the member of the Measurement and Evidence Knowledge network of the WHO commission on Social Determinants of Health. Was resource person/faculty at IPHU session in Bhopal India 2007. ( see;; and ) Bhopal Course in March 2007.

Ravi Narayan, India. Community Health Advisor of the Society for Community Health Awareness, Research and Action, Bangalore, Karnataka State, India ( a policy research and A policy research and training centre that works with people movements, civil societies, state and national governments, and international health agencies in promoting the social/community/rights paradigm of health and health care. Active member and joint convenor of PHM India till December 2002 and later coordinator of the Global Secretariat of PHM from Jan 2003 - July 2006. Advisor to National Rural Health Mission and council member of Global Forum for Health Research, Public Health Foundation of India; Planning Commission of India and on the task force on Primary Health Care and Alternative system of medicines and public health. Member of WHO Advocacy circle of PHM and also currently member of Global PHM steering council and coordinating council. Was resource person/faculty at IPHU session in Cuenca, PHA2 in July 2002 (see;; and Contributor to the Cuence IPHU Course in July 2005.

Denise Antunes do Nascimento, Graduada em Odontologia pela UFRGS. Servidora da Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Mestranda em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de Western Cape, África do Sul. Membro do Movimento pela Saúde dos Povos. [Dentistry Degree at the Federal University of RGS. Public servant at the Municipal Health Department of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Currently taking the Master course in Public Health at the SOPH-UWC, Cape Town, South Africa. Member of the People's Health Movement. Participant in IPHU in Savar in November 2007. Organiser and teacher IPHU Porto Alegre, September 2008].

Romeo Quijano, Philippines, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of the Philippines. Manila; member and office bearer in various academic, social and community based organisations in the Philippines and consultant to government and a resource person to various community-based organizations in the Philippines. Contributed to IPHU Course in Cuenca 2005.

Arturo Quizhpe Peralta, Ecuador, Professor of Pediatrics, Former Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Cuenca. Coordinator of the Second People´s Health Assembly, July 2005. Professor Quizhpe Peralta has written and published 45 books on children´s health problems (diarrhea, malnutrition, breastfeeding, growth and development, playing and learning), health as a human right, child development, health policy, primary health care (health, love and liberty), and collections of health stories. Contributed to Cuenca Course, July 2005. (070828).

David Sanders, South Africa, is Director and Professor of the School of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. He has been actively involved in the health policy process in both Zimbabwe and South Africa, particularly in the areas of nutrition and human resource development. He is author of two books on the politics of health and primary health care and co-author of a recent book on the G8 and health aid. He has researched and written in the areas of political economy of health, primary health care, child nutrition and health personnel education. He is a founder member of the International Peoples Health Council and a member of the Global Steering Group of the Peoples Health Movement and convenor of its research circle. Contributed to Cuenca Course and the Leadership Workshop in Bhopal April 2007.

 Miguel San Sebastian. Researches and teaches epidemiology and public health at the UmeÃ¥ International School of Public Health, UmeÃ¥, Sweden. He has been the medical coordinator of a primary health care programme with indigenous communities in the Amazon basin of Ecuador during ten years. His research interests include environmental health, primary health care, indigenous health and implications of trade agreements on health. Contributed to Cuenca Course in July 2005 and to the Savar Course in November 2007.

Claudio Schuftan, Vietnam, Freelance consultant in public health based in Vietnam. He has an academic position at TulaneUniversity in the US. His main interests are in the interface between politics, globalization, equity and human rights and health. Contributed to Cuenca 2005, Bhopal 2007 and Savar 2007.

Hani Serag,  Egypt. Medical doctor, Policy analyst and Public Health professional. Current Associate Coordinator of the People’s Health Movement and member of the global coordinating team of the IPHU.

 Sarah Shannon,. CEO Hesperian Foundation. Contributed to IPHU Course held in association with the US Social Forum in Atlanta in June 2007.

Mira Shiva. India. Involved in: Peoples Health Movement, International People's Health Council, Health Action International - Asia Pacific, All India Drug Action Network, Diverse Women for Diversity, Central Council for Health, National Human Rights Commission, Task Force on Consumer Education and Safety of Food and Medicine, National Population Commission, National Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Central Ethical Committee on Health Research. Participated in IPHU, Savar, Nov 2007.

Lanny Smith. Lanny Smith lives in the Bronx of New York City, USA. He is a South Bronx community health physician, on faculty of the Montefiore Residency Program in Social Medicine and Primary Care, and Global Health Advisor of Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Trained in Liberation Medicine in Morazan, El Salvador, he was the Founding President of Doctors for Global Health, DGH, and is Co-Editor of the Journal of Social Medicine, He serves on the Global Steering Group of the Peoples Health Movement. Lanny has participated in several IPHU courses since 2005.

 Debora Tajer, Professor and Research Director on Gender and Health, Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires; Professor of the Seminar on Health Public Policies and Gender at the Virtual Master´s Program on Gender, Society and Policies, Latin American Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences (FLACSO/PRIGEPP); past president of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine-ALAMES, past coordinator and founder of the Gender and Collective Health Network of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine-ALAMES; adviser of the Women National Council of Argentina (1999); co-compiler of ‘Psychoanalysis and Gender. Debates in the Forum’, Lugar Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2000; and ‘Health, Equity and Gender: a Challenge for Public Policies’, Editora Universidad de Brasilia, 2000. Her work is focussed in linking women and health activism with academical and research activities. Contributed to Cuenca 2005.

Laura Turiano,. Rights activist. Atlanta, June 2007 and GK, November 2007.

Garance Upham. Economist, France. General Secretary, Safe Observer International; Co-chair, Disability and Economics Circle, PHM; Patients for Patient Safety, World Alliance for Patient Safety (the World Health Organization); Contributed to Cuenca 2005.

Lily Walkover, Trade and Health. Atlanta, 2007.

Tanya Wansom, Thailand struggles for sovereignty over medications.. Atlanta 2007

Expressions of Interest Invited IPHU is always keen to hear from teachers within the people's health movement who might be interested in contributing to our teaching program. Expresssions of interest should be directed to the IPHU Coordinator ([email protected]) and should include some details regarding your areas of expertise and teaching experience and an indication of the kind of contribution you envisage making to the work of IPHU.
