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Announcement: The GK Fellowship 2007

Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK), in association with the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and the International People’s Health University (IPHU) and with the support of Medico International, is pleased to announce


Applications are now invited from health activists around the world for a 2007 GK Fellowship (download a print version of this announcement here)

Target date for applications: Friday September 14th. But please try to get applications in as soon as possible.

This is a rare opportunity to study (and join the struggle for health) at this world famous centre for comprehensive primary health care under the guidance of the Program Director: Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury

The People´s Health Movement (PHM) has its roots deep in the grassroots people's movement and brings together many health networks and activists from around the world. Gonoshasthaya Kendra was one of the founding bodies of the PHM. The PHM calls for a revitalisation of the principles of the Alma-Ata Declaration which promised Health for All by the year 2000 and complete revision of international and domestic policies that have devastated health status and health systems. More about PHM.

The GK Fellowships
The GK Fellowships provide opportunities for forward looking younger health activists from around the world to:

  • broaden their horizons; gain experience in different settings of struggle; in particular, to gain familiarity with the challenges and experiences of the people’s health movement in Bangladesh;
  • gain practical experience related to the core themes of the IPHU course through participating in GK-based projects and programs including primary health care programs, advocacy activities related to trade, and projects focused on the right to health;
  • work beside mentors who have different experiences in struggling for Health for All; to learn from mentors who can draw deeply and broadly from theory to inform practice and who have re-drawn theory from reflection and research in practice;
  • contribute to the work of GK through evaluation and program development undertaken as part of the fellowship;
  • take time out to reflect, rebuild and re-commit.
  • GK Fellowships provide for three months study and field work based in GK but with opportunities for further experience in a range of PHM settings in Bangladesh. At least five GK Fellowships will be awarded in 2007; more depending on funding. The fellowships will commence with participation in the IPHU course after which fellows will embark on a tailored program of experience, field work and study.

    Fellows will undertake projects linked to the work of GK and PHM in Bangladesh as part of their fellowships. These could include evaluation projects, communications training, resource development and advocacy planning around the Right to Health.

    Conditions of award
    Fellows will be assigned to a local mentor from within GK and PHM mentors from within PHM Bangladesh. In addition they will be expected to maintain contact with identified members of faculty of the GK IPHU during and after the IPHU course. A detailed personal program will be devised during the IPHU course in November including identification of mentors and a fellowship work plan.

    Fellows will be expected to maintain a journal and report upon their fellowship at the conclusion of the three months. This will include an assessment of the status of the Struggle for Health in their own region and country, and strategies for development of PHM drawing from the international experience. Fellows will be expected to commit to working to develop the People’s Health Movement in their own country and region after completing the fellowship.

    Academic accreditation
    Fellows who are enrolled in an MPH and request accreditation of their fellowship training as part of their MPH will be required to submit assignments for assessment as part of their fellowship program and will be provided with formal certification regarding the standard of the program and of their achievement.

    The IPHU short course study program and the GK fellowships are presented at masters level. The IPHU short course (with assessment) corresponds to one eighth of one full time full year study load. The GK fellowship (with assessment) corresponds to one quarter of one full time full year study load. IPHU does not, at this stage, provide full degree programs.

    It remains the prerogative of the enrolling university to decide whether or not to grant credit for the short course and the fellowship as part of the MPH they offer. Applicants who are contemplating seeking accreditation of IPHU training towards their MPH are advised to consult with the academic authorities of their enrolling university. The IPHU Coordinator would be pleased to provide additional information as required.

    Selection criteria for the GK Fellowships
    The purpose of the GK Fellowships is to build the PHM, particularly in regions where the people’s health movement is not strong but where the struggle for health is most acute.

    Successful applicants are likely to:

  • be from developing countries; applications from Africa and Asia are particularly encouraged;
  • have been active in the struggle for health in their own countries with practical experience of networking and movement building activities;
  • preferably have a university degree and reasonable English skills (oral communication and writing).
  • The selection panel will seek to ensure gender balance, a diversity of involvements and a diversity of skills, interests and educational backgrounds among the inaugural fellows.

    Applicants must confirm their broad commitment to the directions, analyses and strategies set out in the People’s Charter for Health. Applicants should also demonstrate their organisational involvements; in particular, their active involvement in organisations working to realise the goals of the People’s Charter for Health.

    Target date for applications: Friday September 14th. But please try to get applications in as soon as possible.

    Download application forms here: IPHU plus GK Fellowship.

    The GK IPHU Short Course
    The GK IPHU Short Course will run from 12-23 November, 2007 and will provide the orientation and launchpad for the GK Fellows.
    More about the GK IPHU Short Course

    Outside funding
    Aspiring fellows are invited to explore outside sources of funding. PHM does not have funding for more than five fellows for 2007 but if applicants can locate other sources of funding it may be possible to accept an additional number of fellows.
    Some aspiring fellows may be eligible to apply for funding from the Institute of International Education (IIE) under their IHRIP (International Human Rights Internship) Program. Under this program the IIE takes applications from human rights organisations seeking to provide human rights training for staff and volunteers.

    Further information
    Further inquiries to the IPHU Coordinator, Dr David Legge ([email protected]) and the GK Course Coordinator, Dr Monzur Kadir ([email protected]).
