7.00 - 8.00 Breakfast
8.00 - 8.30 Evaluation of Day Four
8.30 - 9.30 Working with difference (plenary scene setting). Discussion to be led by Narendra Gupta
9.30 - 10.30 Working with diffference (groups)
10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 12.00 Reports from groups on difference
12.00 - 1.00 Panel discussion. Asking the difficult questions. Working collectively on useful answers.
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00 - 2.30 Meaning and spirit. Presented by Mira Shiva
2.30 - 3.30 Meaning and spirit: small group discussion
3.30 - 4.00 Break
4.00 - 4.30 Meaning and spirit: reports from groups
4.30 - 6.00 Topics
6.00 - 7.00 Break
7.00 - 8.00 Dinner
8.00 - 10.00 Cultural event
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