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Saturday 22 March (Day One)

Day One (Saturday 22 March 08)

08:30 – 10:30: Introductory Session

Welcome and orientation (David Legge, 10 minutes)

  • What IPHU is about?
  • What is expected from the current course?
  • What is the format of the course?
  • What is expected from the participants?
  • Personal introductions (participants, 90 minutes)

    • Name
    • Organization / Profession
    • Activism in Health
    • Linkage to the PHM
    • Expectations from the course

    Housekeeping, jobs and announcements

    • ­ Reporting and evaluation for each day (three people to document each day and prepare brief feedback for the morrow)
    • ­ Formation of class committee (convenors of day report groups and of country/region groups)
    • ­ Responsibilities of class committee (organise cultural exchange, supervise daily feedback, other duties as necessary)
    • ­ Questions for the panel
    • ­ Group work: formation of country and regional groups (see llist of participants)
    • ­ Photographs and bio blurbs. Request for briefbioblurbs (name, one affiliation, country, favourite recreation) – email or hand to Azza
    • E-mail lists
    • ­ Further questions?

    10:30 – 11:00 Break

    11:00 – 12:30: PHM as a global actor for change (panel discussion)

  • Hani Serag - Origins of PHM globally and current directions
  • David Legge - Slides from India
  • Maria Hamlin Zuniga - PHM in Latin America Pijuano and Banner
  • David Legge - Introducing the Peoples Charter for Health and the group work for later today (quiz)
  • Questions and Discussion
  • 12:30 – 13:30: Lunch

    13:30 – 15:30: Health Systems in MENA region

    Health Systems in MENA region (Belgacem Sabri, WHO)

    • Common characteristics and differentials of health systems in the region
    • Common and deferential challenges facing the health systems in the region
    • Health sector reform process – successes and failures
    • WHO’s recommendations

    Health Care Systems in Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia (reports from participants, 60 minutes)

    15:30 – 16:00: Break

    16:00 – 16:30: Introduction to the country group work (David Legge)


  • What do we expect from the regional/sub-regional/country groups’ work? (PCH, Project Reports, ICT)
  • Important dates and expected deliverables: Draft group reports and final group reports
  • Each group is asked to: elect a facilitator (can be changed from each session), a representative in the class managing group (better to be stable) and a presenter (can be changed in different presentations).
  • (See for more detail on the Country Groups Theme.)
    Allocate participants into country / sub-regional groups (6 groups). The division will be based on the available number of participants from each individual country. Country groups can be established whenever we have 5+ participants from the same country; otherwise sub-regional groups will be formulated. Among the 6 groups we will have: ONE Egyptian group, ONE African group, ONE European Group and Three country or sub-regional MENA groups. Participants from other countries all over the world will choose which group to join.
    ICT tasks
    Small subgroups in each of the country / regional groups undertake small ICT projects during the week. These small subgroups will include experienced and not-so-experienced users of ICT. The following list of tasks is indicative. Not all tasks need to be carried out but every member should be involved in at least one task.

  • Write to the existing IPHU alumni blogspot (introducing our group, what our project is, seeking advice perhaps)
  • Take photographs of the group at work, procure a shared space for the group in a photo sharing place and upload the photos and email all members of group to visit
  • Create a separate group blog spot and maintain it during the course
  • Down load typing tutors for all members who do not touch type
  • Create an online survey questionnaire
  • Subscribe all members to PHA-exchange
  • Create an annotated bibliography of publications on their topic and country/ region
  • Find, install and evaluate Open Office on one of the lap tops
  • More?
  • 16:30 - 17:15 Assemby of groups and First Session: Reviewing the People’s Charter for Health
    Suggested outputs:

  • Getting to know each other more
  • Broad plan for the group work (deciding upon the broad area for the group project plan)
  • Reflections on the Charter: read, evaluate, prepare report
  • 17:15 – 18:00 Plenary reports from group discussion of the Charter

  • What are the elements of the Charter which would be particularly useful for my practice?
  • What are the elements of the Charter which might need to be reworked?
  • 18:00 - 19:00 Free

    19:00 – 21:00 Opening Ceremony and Dinner– The Scout Center

    Day One Report


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