Day One (Saturday 22 March 08)
08:30 – 10:30: Introductory Session
Welcome and orientation (David Legge, 10 minutes)
Personal introductions (participants, 90 minutes)
- Name
- Organization / Profession
- Activism in Health
- Linkage to the PHM
- Expectations from the course
Housekeeping, jobs and announcements
- Â Reporting and evaluation for each day (three people to document each day and prepare brief feedback for the morrow)
- Â Formation of class committee (convenors of day report groups and of country/region groups)
- Â Responsibilities of class committee (organise cultural exchange, supervise daily feedback, other duties as necessary)
- Â Questions for the panel
- Â Group work: formation of country and regional groups (see llist of participants)
-  Photographs and bio blurbs. Request for briefbioblurbs (name, one affiliation, country, favourite recreation) – email or hand to Azza
- E-mail lists
- Â Further questions?
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30: PHM as a global actor for change (panel discussion)
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
13:30 – 15:30: Health Systems in MENA region
Health Systems in MENA region (Belgacem Sabri, WHO)
- Common characteristics and differentials of health systems in the region
- Common and deferential challenges facing the health systems in the region
- Health sector reform process – successes and failures
- WHO’s recommendations
Health Care Systems in Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia (reports from participants, 60 minutes)
15:30 – 16:00: Break
16:00 – 16:30: Introduction to the country group work (David Legge)
(See for more detail on the Country Groups Theme.)
Allocate participants into country / sub-regional groups (6 groups). The division will be based on the available number of participants from each individual country. Country groups can be established whenever we have 5+ participants from the same country; otherwise sub-regional groups will be formulated. Among the 6 groups we will have: ONE Egyptian group, ONE African group, ONE European Group and Three country or sub-regional MENA groups. Participants from other countries all over the world will choose which group to join.
ICT tasks
Small subgroups in each of the country / regional groups undertake small ICT projects during the week. These small subgroups will include experienced and not-so-experienced users of ICT. The following list of tasks is indicative. Not all tasks need to be carried out but every member should be involved in at least one task.
16:30 - 17:15 Assemby of groups and First Session: Reviewing the People’s Charter for Health
Suggested outputs:
17:15 – 18:00 Plenary reports from group discussion of the Charter
18:00 - 19:00 Free
19:00 – 21:00 Opening Ceremony and Dinner– The Scout Center
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