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Tuesday 25 March (Day Four)

8.30 - 9.00 Daily evaluation
Day Three Report

9.00 - 10.30 The rights approach to health
Health as a fundamental human right (Nadia Rizkalla)
­ The right to health in the international agreement
­ Implications of defining health as a human right (structural and legislative arrangements)
Health as a fundamental human right (Prem John)
­ Indian RHCC, lessons learnt. Examples for violations of right to health
­ Strategies to address the right to health (examples for success stories)
Questions and discussion

10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 1.00 Country Groups: third session (see for more detail)
12.30-1.30 Lunch
2.00 - 3.30 Reports from Practice: focus on addressing the social determinants of health (more detail)
3.30 - 4.00 Break
4.00 - 6.00 Dealing with Difference

  • 4.00 - 4.30 Dealing with difference: plenary introduction (Maria Hamlin Zuniga)
  • 4.30 - 5.30 Difference - groups
  • 5.30 - 6.00 Plenary reports
  • 6.00 - 7.00 Dinner

    Day Four Report


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