Trade Regulation and Access to Essential Medicines
This topic was presented by Ricardo Kuchenbecker.
Ricardo commenced with an overview of the development of international agreements and laws governing intellectual property.
Key question is whether health should be regarded as a "commodity" or a "public good"; something that can be traded or which should be treated as a public good.
Paris Convention (1883) and Berne Convention.
3. THE TRIP-PLUS in Bilateral and Regional free trade agreements
Voluntary License / Compulsory = "breach of patents. " Not to disrespect the law, but rather make use of this prerogative that is in law. Make public policies, such as anti-retroviral medications that cost as much as 2500 dollars per person per year and are now much cheaper because of the pressures from countries like South Africa, Thailand and Brazil and supported by global civil society.
What the patent does is to reduce price competition. Hence the general and compulsory licensing.
The high prices of pharmaceuticals clearly affects consumption. 48% of global sales are in the USA (cf 4% in Latin America). Population relativities are the reverse.
The current mechanism for patent protects the holders of IP.
Further reading:
PAHO Report CD48/18 on Public health, innovation and intellectual property submitted to 48th Directing Council 29 Sept - 3 Ooct 2008: in English; in Spanish.
PAHO Resolution CD48.R15 on Public health, innovation and intellectual property: in English; in Spanish.
More on: trade and health.
More on TRIPS and big pharma.
Interim Reports from Brazil Group
1. Campaign of the Movement for Health of People in Brazil
2. Promote the name "People's Health Movement (PHM/MSP)" and the role of the movement with the regional and local activities with the slogan.
What has to do with the health of people: partnerships with universities; organizations; popular movements; agendas of the movements that represent concerns in other sectors.
Use bands, events, tracks, shirts and community radio stations,
televisions and other universities, newspapers and other related activities. Promote the logo and the slogan "Movement for Health of the People".
3. Strategies for communication between PHM members in Brazil
4. Release of the document
5. World Social Forum, by early border meetings
6. Request agenda in the State Council, National and some municipal health present the report. Report of health
7. Financial Strategy
8. English and Spanish
9. Reversing the perspective of the market
The Movement for Peoples' Health
The weak mobilization of the population by the law public health, full and free.
Study and application of assessment tool health of people.
Globe Health Watch - report the situation of health of each country
Responsibilities and commitments.
World Social Forum
Translation of GHW
E-mail list
Women's health
Monthly meeting
En nuestro país se ha venido concretando espacios formales de debate, discusión, y construcción en torno al derecho a la salud. En este sentido se han realizado Foros Sociales en salud, espacios que se ha ido legitimando desde las organizaciones de base, notándose ahora un aumento en la participación popular, así como en los sectores que se han apropiado del espacio.
Propuesta de país
En vista de que este movimiento social en defensa del derecho a la salud viene demostrando un incremento notorio en el contexto mundial consideramos apropiado oficializar la vinculación entre el Movimiento de Salud por los Pueblos con el Foro Social de Salud ya constituido en nuestro país, en el cual se encuentran representados el mayor número de agrupaciones sociales que se movilizan por la salud como por otros aspectos sociales.
¿Como llevarla adelante?
Debate y discusión de los principio y documentos claves del MSP
Construcción en el marco del FSUS de una declaración de principios y plan de acción nacional
Presentación del Informe de Acción Global en Salud
Our country has been setting out formal spaces for debate, discussion, and construction on the right to health. In this sense Social Forums have been made in health, areas that has been legitimized from grassroots organizations, notándose now an increasing popular participation, as well as sectors that have the appropriate space.
Proposed country
In view of this social movement in defense of the right to health has shown a remarkable increase in the global context we consider it appropriate to formalize the link between the Movement for People's Health with the Health and Social Forum established in our country, in the which represented the largest number of social groups that are mobilized for the health and other social issues.
How to take it forward?
Debate and discussion of the principle and key documents of the MSP
Construction under the FSUS of a declaration of principles and plan of action
Presentation of the Report on Global Health Action
Southern Cone
Report of Southern Cone Countries
It is believed progress in strengthening MSP in each of our countries. In this sense, is an idea first realize the exchange of information through the Blog, which serve also to disseminate (beyond the POA IPHU in 2008) with different social actors.
It is proposed to be made:
• sections of the Blog: Experiences territorial allies (storytelling the organizations that comprise the network), alternative strategies, materials theoretical events, documents MSP (Bangladesh, Bombay, Cuenca), IPHU, PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
• make a written permit sentipensares transmitted to the IPHU each of us Sentipensares "
• strengthening regional and country that den in the context of our practices militants daily.
• establish that there is a coordination to translate severally to English, Portuguese, Guarani, Spanish, different documents involved:
• make for an instructive Section solidarity translation
• Regional Project: IPHU 2009 (Rosario, Arg)
• Lessons learned
• The MSP helps seek funds
• Identify local sources of funding
• The search for funds is centralized at the Secretariat of the MSP
There is discussion on the IPHU financing.
• Criteria for participation
• Organizing Committee
• Coordination of the Southern Cone and IPHU Country
MSP: the ultimate authority stems from the assembly
IPHU is fragile, dependent on the ability to work together for people
There are many organizations that want providing funds, which means that sometimes we must make concessions ...
MSP has a section which is responsible for collect funds
Courses planned for 2008 Morocco 2009 Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, India
Organizational Time: 10 or 12 months to plan a course these 12 months beginning when putdate and place (house special) is a long process for each course is necessary 2 volunteers to engage in organization in place organizing committee for the marketing, logistics, documents reference search networks, and invite
Participants institution to coordinate with local IPHU to give support and framework institutions, to assist with the tb money, paying bills.
IPHU: an organization is not very big
The program we have in POA, it is very would be important to maintain good .. .. add topics as "Agencies Cooperation, Migration ", etc. .. Eye with using as mov platform!
Experts who want to seek local spend 2 weeks with the students! Tb is necessary to have experts international, but local help to enrich the debate ... 2 stages: 1) to seek expert local 2) find foreigners according to the subjects not q can be addressed by local (it is difficult because sometimes somebody who knows both can come only 2 days, but we need to come!)
Think of an organizational strategy IPHU the course of how to strengthen national processes, watching ability to build courses in each country a week, and that the teaching staff may be mobilized every 7 days a course to another ... (This proposal has strong stimulate local and weakness of losing the diversity of given the experiences of people from several countries)
How to maintain the duration of the action training of activists?
Every movement is fragile, do things from scratch,
Another topic discussed at the meeting was related to participation as Social movements in MERCOSUR. In Here, Argentina is in the existing and proposed is that they see in each country to achieve a greater presence in this space, or Movement or organizations and thus add to the voices Right to Health.
Thematic activities
Further session presented and facilitated by Virgilio.
(This page based on notes kept by Eloir Vial)
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