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From the heart of Guatemala, a land weaving its future from volcanoes and lakes, tropical jungles and ancient temples, the Maya people, with their ancestral knowledge and history of defending life, will open the International Peoples’ Health University (IPHU) course on “Intercultural Health: Perspectives from the Native and African Peoples of the Abya Yala.”

The staff and faculty are finalizing the details at ASECSA—the Guatemalan Association of Community Health Services—where the course will be held.  The sacred fire that will accompany the 10 days of sharing information, discussion and debate among students, facilitators and guests from around Latin America, will soon be lit, to warm and encourage the minds, hearts and energy of everyone in attendence.

The ceremony to open the course and welcome participants will be held on Thursday, April 15th, in the early morning, to thank and connect our energies with the Nawal Kawoq.  It will mark the dawn of a day ripe for the sowing and awakening of the children of Ru’ux Ulew or Pachamama, our Mother Earth.  It will be the roots of the tree that must grow without stopping, because only the fruits that nourish tomorrow justify life and its harmonious continuity with nature and all living creatures that inhabit it.

Jaime Idrovo Uriguen