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News brief (April 15, 2010)


Following the official opening of the IPHU course on “Intercultural Health: Perspectives from the Native and African Peoples of the Abya Yala,” at a ceremony lasting seven hours straight, the course’s regular activities began at 4:00 pm.  A panel of founders and older members of the Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM) gave an overview of the main events in the history of the PHM: the meeting in Alma Ata, Russia in 1978, the First Assembly in Savar, Bangladesh in 2000, and the Second Assembly in Cuenca, Ecuador in 2005.  The panel also reviewed the declarations from the two assemblies and their personal experiences in these locations.

Then, the organizers of the course provided logistical information and different committees were formed among the 70 participants that include students, facilitators, the communications team, the administration and special guests.

Chimaltenango, 15 April 2010

Jaime Idrovo Uriguen