We visited the Chiquirichapa Birthing Centre, where we were warmly received by the centre’s midwives, director and several members of the Council of Elders. They gave us their time and shared their sacred space with us, asking permission from the guardians of the four directions and the ancient Imox, the bearer of that day. Accompanied by candlelight, one by one they spoke to us in their Maya Mam language, as they do not speak Spanish. They told us how they survived and resisted during the civil war and that many of the community’s leaders had been persecuted and killed for speaking out.
This centre was conceived of, designed and built with the persistence and strength of the people to maintain their cultural identity and Maya spirituality. Tata Arturo and Nana Teresa, who were persecuted during the war and took refuge in Mexico and later the United States, never stopped thinking about returning to help their people, and so they did.
They fought patiently to have this sacred place to receive life. In the words of one of these strong, loving elderly women, they taught us that “when my heart is happy I can help; I don’t go when I am sad, because I know it will affect the mother and her child.”
And thus, we came home stronger and more committed to life.
Chimaltenango, 19 April 2010
Vivian Camacho