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Atlanta June 2007 Program and Pre-reading


Day 1. 9.00 am, - 1.00pm, Wed. June 27 2007
Room 1204, 12th floor of the Westin Peachtree Hotel

Getting started: introductions, about PHM, strategies for addressing the social determinants of health, why primary health care is central, the right to health; small group work.

Day 2. 1.00pm -5.30pm, Thurs June 28, 2007
Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall,
265 Washington St SW, Downtown Atlanta

Diseases of globalization, including: privatisation; trade and agriculture; militarisation; food and water; environment and energy; complicity of medical and public health research; small group work.

Day 3. 1.00pm -5.30pm, Friday June 29, 2007
Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall,
265 Washington St SW, Downtown Atlanta

Health risks carried by excluded minority populations: reproductive choices; communicable disease and NCDs; violence; environments and climate change; small group work.

Day 4. 1.00pm -5.30pm, Saturday June 30, 2007
Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall,
265 Washington St SW, Downtown Atlanta

Next steps? Project reports from small groups.


The Declaration of Alma-Ata (1978)
The People's Charter for Health (2000)
WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health
WHO Commission on Intellectual Property and Public Health
The Mumbai Declaration (2004)
The People's Charter on HIV and AIDS (2004)
The Cuenca Declaration (2005)
Global Health Watch (2005)
The PHM Right to Health Campaign
The Social Medicine Portal (lots of useful onlinks)
Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health CPATH
CPTech (amazing!)
Transnational Institute
Via Campesina
Third World Network
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Sicko (Trailer)
Right to Water

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