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Monday 8 September (Day One)

Day One (Monday 8 September 08)

07:30 - 8:30: Morning Walk (be back on time!)

9:00 -10:30: Welcome and orientation

  • What IPHU is about?
  • What is expected from the current course?
  • What is the format of the course?
  • What is expected from the participants?
  • Personal introductions (participants, 90 minutes)

    • Name
    • Organization / Profession
    • Activism in Health
    • Linkage to the PHM
    • Expectations from the course
    • Brief bio blurbs

    Housekeeping, jobs and announcements

    • Reporting and evaluation for each day (three people to document each day and prepare brief feedback for the morrow)
    • Formation of class committee (convenors of day report groups and of country/region groups)
    • Responsibilities of class committee (organise cultural exchange, supervise daily feedback, participate in organisation)
    • Group work: formation of country and regional groups (see list of participants)
    • Photographs and bio blurbs. Request for briefbioblurbs (name, affiliation, country) email or hand to collector

    See Notes of Day One

    10:30 - 11:00 Break

    11:00 - 12:30: About PHM (and Charters) and Country Groups

  • PHM as a global actor for change; an organisation, a network of networks, a social movement; a vision and a project - to build and strengthen a global social movement for health equity and a healthier world;
  • Introducing the Peoples' Charter for Health;
  • Mumbai Declaration;
  • Cuenca Declaration
  • Further questions?
  • Group Work

  • What do we expect from the group work? (Country and Project Reports, ICT Reports)
  • Dates and deliverables: Draft group reports and final group reports
  • Each group is asked to: elect a facilitator (can be changed from each session), a representative in the class managing group (better to be stable) and a presenter (can be changed in different presentations).
  • (See for more detail on the Group Work)

    See Notes of Day One

    12:30 - 13:30: Lunch

    13:30 - 15:30: Reports and Discussion of PHM and PCH etc

  • What are the elements of the Charter which would be particularly useful for my practice?
  • What are the elements of the Charter which might need to be reworked?
  • See Notes of Day One
    15:30 - 16:00: Break

    16:00 - 17:30: Information and Communications Technology
    Led by Virgilio Medina

    See Notes of Day One

    17:30 - 18:30 Free

    18:30 - 20:00 Dinner

    Notes of today's discussions

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