- Apply now through the online form! (highly recomemnded)
- Download the application form, complete it and send it to iphu-thessaloniki_organization(at)phmovement.org (Please use this option only if you have a problem to apply online
* The announcement is attached in a PDF format for easy download!
* You can download the course flyer and distribute it to your mailing list!
The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the
People’s Health Movement (PHM)
Jointly with
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School,
Laboratory of Hygiene and Public Health
Centre for International and Intercultural Health, University of Bologna
a short training course for health activists on the political economy of health
From 24 November to 1 December 2013
in Thessaloniki, Greece
The IPHU short courses are to enable health activists to make new connections, share experiences and study together. They aim at strengthening the growing activism of the People’s Health Movement.
Who is the course planned for?
Health activists from all fields (including students, professionals, trade unionists, NGOs, etc.) working on the issues of health, gender and human rights and particularly including those involved or wish to be involved in the PHM.
Priority, with respect to enrolment, will be given to:
People motivated to get involved in PHM and who have endorsed the People's Charter for Health;
People who successfully completed the online IPHU (IPOL); and
People with a track record as health activists, in particular, people who have been actively involved in organizations which are part of or linked to the PHM.
Up to 35 people will be accepted.
The enrolment policy aims to achieve:
geographical mix;
gender balance;
diversity of involvements: community based organizations, health care agencies, NGOs, universities, trade unions, social movement, government officials, etc; and
diversity of skills, records of activism, interests, experience, and educational backgrounds.
Priority will be given to health activists from Europe.
The curriculum includes the following topics with a major focus on the European region:
the struggle for health and organized health activism: challenges, strategy and practice, achievements and new directions;
working with communities and with grass roots people’s organizations;
social determinants of health: poverty, oppression and hierarchy; alienation and exclusion; racism, sexism and materialism;
comprehensive primary health care: achievements, challenges, lessons and new directions;
the political economy of health: imperialism and globalisation, the international financial institutions and the EU and UN system; local issues and global pressures; the current economic and financial crisis;
health system strengthening; the politics of health policy;
the right to health: principles, achievements and new directions;
people’s health and the environmental struggle; and
research: part of the problem and part of the solution.
Approach to learning
Start with the struggle for health
Teach and learn in partnership, adopting a participatory approach
Knowledge is imbued with purpose
New ideas must be used
Activism is an ethical commitment
Learn new ways of being (as well as new facts and theories)
Refresh, enquire, research
Nurture leadership: judgment which inspires confidence; integrity which creates trust and the courage to take risks
Learn to listen to learn; learn to teach; teach to learn
Steer our own learning; grow the skills and habits of life long learning
Build our community of activists
Stay with the struggle for health
EUR 50
EUR 150
The course will involve: pre-reading & exercises, lectures, small group discussions, debates, workshops and follow up study. Resource materials will take the form of soft/hard copy readings, lecture notes and websites.
Faculty members will be a mix between high-profile academic personnel and health activists of a sound experience; in addition to a number of PHM resource persons, from the region as well as PHM-Global.
The course will be taught in English.
Course fees
(1) Mandatory - Cover all training materials; lunch and coffee breaks during the training days. Those who will cover their travel costs will be exempted from the registration fees.
(2) Supported by the PHM-IPHU for all participants.
(3) Fixed rate for subsidized activists’ accommodation in shared, basic facilities (bed, breakfast and dinner).
PHM-IPHU is committed to reducing the financial barriers to attending IPHU. A limited number of scholarships for travel and/or accommodation will be available for qualified applicants.
Priority will be given to qualified applicants from Greece (as the host country).
Travel scholarships for qualified Greek participants from outside Thessaloniki is subjected to a fixed rate, estimated based on the average cost of travel by bus or train.
In case of travel scholarships provided for qualified international participants, flight tickets will be booked by the PHM Global Secretariat upon a written confirmation by the participant on the itinerary provided. Most of flight tickets will be non-refundable; accordingly, participants will be asked to pay back the cost of their tickets if they did not show up. This policy is only to ensure that we are using our limited resources efficiently.
Registration fees are mandatory for all participants.
Activists’ accommodation will be reserved in shared, basic facilities.
PHM-IPHU scholarships do not cover visa fees, airport tax & travel insurance (if applicable), personal living expenses, per diem, or local transportation in the home country.
Applicants should seek such support from sponsors in their own countries in the first instance.
The course will be convened at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Activists’ accommodation in shared, basic facilities will be reserved from 24/11/2013 till the night of 1/12/2013 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki dorms.
Any change in the accommodation plans will be announced.
Application and Deadline
The online application form in English will be available on the IPHU website from the first half of July 2013; application deadline will be the 31st of August 2013.
If you are unable to apply online, you may download the Application Form in Word format, fill it in and email it to iphu-thessaloniki_organization(at)phmovement.org (please do not convert the form into PDF or into an image format).
All applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application.
For inquiries please contact the IPHU-Thessaloniki Organizing Team at: iphu-thessaloniki_organization(at)phmovement.org
For more about the IPHU-Thessaloniki Short Course, go to: http://www.iphu.org/en/node/660
The People’s Health Movement (PHM) is global movement, which has its roots deep in the grassroots people's movements and owes its genesis to many health networks and activists who have been concerned by the growing inequities in health over the last 25 years. The PHM calls for a revitalisation of the principles of the Alma-Ata Declaration, which promised Health for All by the year 2000 and complete revision of international and domestic policy that has shown to impact negatively on health status and systems. The People's Health Movement is coordinated by a global secretariat and is supported by a steering council.
Contact: globalsecretariat(at)phmovement.org Web: www.phmovement.org
The International People’s Health University (IPHU) is one of the major programs of the People’s Health Movement (PHM). IPHU is a global university providing short courses and other resources for health activists. Courses are of a high academic standard and are documented for academic credit from established universities. IPHU short courses enable younger health activists to make new connections, share experiences and study together. IPHU short courses strengthen the global network of people’s health activists.
IPHU Director: David Legge, dlegge(at)phmovemen.org Web: www.iphu.org
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School, Laboratory of Hygiene and Public Health is a research and training group within the largest medical school in Greece. It has a long history of collaboration with the PHM and has already successfully contributed to the organization and hosting of a previous IPHU held in Thessaloniki in 2009.
Email: pr(at)auth.gr Web: http://www.auth.gr/en/uni
The Centre for International and Intercultural Health (CSI) of the University of Bologna is a diverse knowledge environment and a laboratory for the integration of disciplines, participation and peer-to-peer collaboration. At CSI’s core is the concept of global health, defined as follows: health as a state of biopsychosocial wellbeing and a fundamental human right; health and disease as outcomes of socio-economic, political, cultural, environmental as well as biological processes, shaped by globalisation; not a new discipline or (just) a field of study, but an integrated action-research approach to address complex health and health care needs in the framework of social justice. CSI adopts a horizontal and participatory approach in teaching, research, and decision-making. Following the paradigm of social responsibility on the part of universities, CSI is committed to work with the community, closing the gap between the academic world and society as a whole.
Email: csiunibo(at)gmail.com Web: www.csiunibo.org
Besides PHM and the above mentioned partners, the IPHU-Thessaloniki is supported by:
Medico International: Email: info(at)medico.de Web: http://www.medico.de/en
Wemos: Email: info(at)wemos.nl Web: http://www.wemos.nl/Eng
M3M: Email: info(at)m3m.be Web: http://m3m.be
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