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IPHU - South Asia, Nepal

  • Deadline for receiving applications: : 22 September 2013

  • Please go through the questions and requirements of the application before you start filling in the form.
  • Download course announcement at:
  • Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Personal information
Place of origin
Place of residence
Contact information
In the field above, please indicate the email address on which you wish to receive all correspondences concerning the course.
If you wish to provide more email addresses, please type one address per line.
Phone numbers
- Please provide at least one reliable telephone number. - Example: + (Country code) (City code) (Phone number)
Professional information
In addition, please indicate if you are involved in People's Health Movement (PHM) in your country; and if so in what ways.
Language skills
More languages
Include all languages in which you have some competence and rate yourself excellent, good, fair, or poor.
Application for scholarship assistance
PHM-IPHU is committed to reducing the financial barriers to attending IPHU. A limited number of scholarships for travel and/or accommodation will be available for qualified applicants. In case of travel scholarships provided for qualified participants, flight tickets will be booked by the PHM Global Secretariat upon a written confirmation by the participant on the itinerary provided. Most of flight tickets will be non-refundable; accordingly, participants will be asked to pay back the cost of their tickets if they did not show up. This policy is only to ensure that we are using our limited resources efficiently. Registration fees are mandatory for all participants. Activists’ accommodation will be reserved in shared, basic facilities. PHM-IPHU scholarships do not cover visa fees, airport tax & travel insurance (if applicable), personal living expenses, per diem, or local transportation in the home country. Applicants should seek such support from sponsors in their own countries in the first instance.
Registration*            EUR 50
Tuition**                   Free
Accommodation***   EUR 150
* Mandatory - Cover all training materials; lunch and coffee breaks during the training days.
** Supported by the PHM-IPHU for all participants.
*** Fixed rate for subsidized activists’ accommodation in shared, basic facilities (bed, breakfast and dinner).
Please explain in case of selecting 'Yes'.
For Applicants from outside Greece
Travel information
If you apply for a scholarship to cover your travel costs, please indicate the country and city of the nearest international airport you will be departing from.
Indicate the city of the nearest international airport.
Passport information
Please complete if you need a visa and wish to receive a formal Invitation Letter in case of acceptance.International applicants need to have a valid passport for at least six months from the date of travel. Please ensure to provide the correct information.
Please indicate the City and Country.
Embassy/consulate details
In case of acceptance, a copy of the invitation letter will be sent to the embassy/consulate of Senegal, if needed, to issue the visa.
If yes, please provide the contacts of the visa section:
- Example: + (Country code) (City code) (Phone number) - You can add several numbers separated by commas.
- Example: + (Country code) (City code) (Phone number) - You can add several numbers separated by commas.
If no,
Please find out how the visa can be issued in your country and provide us with the details including: fax number(s), email address and phone number(s) of the visa section.

The People's Charter for Health is the founding document of the People’s Health Movement (PHM).  We ask that all applicants to the International People's Health University read the People's Charter for Health.

The Preamble from the Charter reads:

Health is a social, economic and political issue, and above all a fundamental human right.  Inequity, poverty, exploitation, violence and injustice are at the root of ill health and the deaths of poor and marginalized people.  Health for all means that powerful interests have to be challenged, that corporate-led globalization has to be opposed, and that political and economic priorities have to be drastically changed.