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Smooth and efficient logistics are critical to the success of each IPHU course.  These depend on the planning and management of a wide range of issues listed below.  Please note that the various templates and proformas linked below are not in any sense mandatory; they derive from particular courses conducted previously and are intended to provide the basis for more specific tools. Please read this page in conjunction with our pages on Course Planning and Learning Together.

Key issues

Some of the key issues to be attended to include:

  • communications among the organising network including course organisers, the PHM Secretariat, local partners, etc (see note on email users and groups below); 
  • communications with applicants and participants (acceptance, regret, cover letter for invitation (scholarships, no scholarships, faculty) and flight bookings, pre-course preparation email); 
  • preparing the announcement including logos, venue, accommodation, registration fee, contact details, etc, (see templates for email announcement, PDF download announcement; see below for web announcement);
  • accommodation: numbers, singles and doubles, charges (template here);
  • meals and refreshments: service providers, estimated costs; 
  • ground transportation, including airport shuttle (pick up sign), field trips and excursions;
  • visa requirements including formal invitation letters (see above); collection and sharing of details re embassies and visa requirements to be available as necessary;    
  • simultaneous translation, personnel and equipment (including tech savvy person);
  • WiFi provision in teaching venue and accommodation; 
  • practical information note (map, contacts, weather, exchange rates, etc);
  • course equipment and consumables:
      • flip charts, markers, glue, tape, batteries;
      • power adaptors, extension cords, power boards;
      • microphones, speakers, WiFi local broadcast sets for translation (one for each translator), spare receivers for those without smartphones, projector and connectors, printers;
      • hard copy registration forms, receipt books, name tags;
      • participant package (notebook, pen, flashdrive, PHM brochures);
      • certificates, customised as necessary, signed in advance (example)
      • bookshop

Files to prepare before the course

      • receipts and expenditures spreadsheets (here)
      • arrival and departure spreadsheet (here)
      • accommodation sheet (here)
      • name tags and certificates

Papers to print before the course:

      • arrival and departure sheet
      • accommodation sheet
      • registration sheet (here)
      • name tags
      • practical information sheet
      • course program / schedule of activities
      • certificates


Using the phmovement domain we can establish new 'users' and new 'groups'.  A 'user' is an email account which can be shared by all those who have the password so they can use it for sending and receiving email messages.  A 'group' is a list of email accounts (users) who are automatically included in emails addressed to that group name.  

We have the capacity to create a new user (for the organisers of a new IPHU course to use, eg iphu-place-organisers[at] and new groups iphu-place-participants[at]  
We also have a single alumni list which contains or should contain alumni from all courses.  It has not been used extensively in recent years, nor updated regularly.

Webpage, forms and databases

We have a template prepared for the announcement page for each course on the IPHU website (instructions here).

PHM uses webforms with spreadsheet data storage.  We have a number of online webform templates, both necessary and optional, all of which will require customisation for each individual course.  These include: an application form, evaluation forms (post-course and follow up), an optional pre-course questionnaire and optional pre-course writing exercise.  All of these forms download to spreadsheets.  Hard copy application is possible but discouraged. 

The application spreadsheet includes columns for advisory assessments regarding acceptance and enrolment. 

Resource people and facilitators who are participating in their first IPHU should be added to the Faculty and Associated page (here).  Please encourage existing faculty and associates to update their details.

Download instructions for customising webpage and webform templates and for downloading to spreadsheets here.

Airport and railway station reception

It is essential to collect details of arrival and departure flights and times in advance.  Ideally it is safest to have a permanent presence at the airport during the arrivals period but this may be difficult.

It is convenient to notify arrivals of a phone number to ring if there are any troubles at airport reception.


Documents to be provided to participants (in electronic form) before they arrive will include: venue map, local street map, local transport guidance, program details, prereading and other preparatory instructions.

Hard copy resources to be provided when people arrive will include: name tags and hard copy resources such as Global Health Watch and the People’s Charter for Health.

Orientation information

Weather (warm cloths, umbrella, sun screen, etc)

Malaria prophylaxis

Facilities, environment, equipment and supplies

We need

  • a quiet comfortable room with moveable chairs;
  • several quiet break out rooms;
  • facilities for continuous refreshments and food (urn etc);
  • data projector and screen or wall (and darkable space);
  • extension cords, power boards and power outlets;
  • broadband open access wireless internet connection;
  • computer room with sufficient general use computers and a printer;
  • appropriate sized photocopier (eg for emergency photocopying of papers or handouts for full class).

Interpreting and translation

If the course is to be multilingual we will need a translation capacity for lectures that have not been translated before arrival and for documents that are generated during the course.

If the course is to be multilingual we will need to decide in advance whether we are using a single projector with bilingual slides or two projectors with separate monolingual slides.

Simultaneous interpreting is the ideal for multilingual courses.  PHM Global has simultaneous interpreting
equipment. Please try to mobilise excellent volunteers because professional simultaneous interpreting can be very expensive. 


Adequate beds, clean rooms,

Availability of single rooms

Space for appropriate segregation for sleeping and bathing

Accessibility for people with disabilities who are participating


Keep in mind various special dietary requirements. Ask before they arrive.

Attention to safe food handling and preparation; availability of potable
water sans plastic bottles.


Monitoring arrival and departure schedules including changes

Airport shuttle service

Information provision regarding local ground transport. 

(This page and much else in this planning portal owes hugely to Azza Sallam who pioneered the organisation of many of our early IPHUs.) 
